Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Animation Module

After finishing the car, we moved onto some basic animation including the ball bounce and some walk cycles etc. but this piece here was the most enjoyable. Another student and I decided we'd like to focus some of our animation on video games so we did some video game attack cycles. This a heavy hammer attack and it starts and ends in the exact same pose, as video game assets should. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Voldy Bust

This is a personal project I've been playing around with and thought I'd share the progress. I have a diffuse and normal map in the works for it as well so hopefully I'll be putting a finished and nicely rendered bust up sometime in the near future!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Cloud Hopper

This started as a simple fun doodle and then somehow morphed into a full fledged painting. After I did the sketch I thought it would be a good piece to practice some basic lighting techniques. The hardest part of the piece was getting the cloud under his foot to feel like he had just placed his foot there. I tried looking at people running through muddy water but that resulted in the clouds feeling too heavy, so I reworked it and attempted to make it feel more airy and light. I still don't think it's entirely correct but hopefully it reads well enough. Best part was the drooooool.